Project Oikwan IN-PROGRESS | April 29 - 30, 2023
IN-PROGRESS is the first sharing of Project Oikwan, a heritage-Innovation-project inspired by Oi Kwan Barbers, a 60-year-old traditional Cantonese barbershop in Wan Chai. 32 artists were featured in a weekend on Cheung Chau full of art, photography, music, performance, screenings, happenings & talks. IN-PROGRESS is full of creativity and ideas in progress, pre-polished, and full of energy.
IN-PROGRESS是愛群計劃的首次分享,這是一個傳承創新的項目,靈感來自灣仔一家擁有60年曆史的傳統粵式理髮店 - 愛群理髮。 32 位藝術家在長洲度過了一個充滿藝術、攝影、音樂、表演、放映、活動和講座的周末。 IN-PROGRESS 充滿了"進行中"的創意和想法,未經打磨,充滿活力。
1 Pak She Praya Street, Cheung Chau
Curated by Christina Brandt Jensen
Co-produced by
Between the Acts is a collection of photographs featuring the participating artists in Project Oikwan taken in Oi Kwan Barbers between October 2022 to April 2023.
All photos by Wong Wei Him except the portrait of JVSY by Mrs Lau, mother of Traditional Barber Lau Ka Shing.
"They never pulled the curtains till it was too dark to see, nor shut the windows till it was too cold. Why shut out the day before it was over? The flowers were still bright; the birds chirped. You could see more in the evening often when nothing interrupted, when there was no fish to order, no telephone to answer.“
— Virginia Woolf, book Between the Acts (1941)
幕間 是王懷謙在 2022 年 10 月至 2023 年 4 月期間在愛群理髮內拍攝參與愛群計劃的藝術家的照片集。
JVSY由傳統理髮師劉嘉誠 劉母 攝影。
“他們要等到天黑了才拉窗簾,天冷了才關窗。為什麼要在一天結束之前關掉白天呢? 花兒依然鮮豔,鳥兒在鳴叫。晚上不會被任何事情打斷,你能看見更多。 沒有魚菜可點,沒有接電話要接聽。” ——佛吉尼亞·伍爾夫 《幕間》(1941年)